Why We Use Organic Cotton


Hello I’m Antony Marris owner of the eco-friendly clothing company OutSkillTheRisk and today I want to give you guys a little more insight into organic cotton. 

I know I’ve talked about this a little bit before when I introduced our new organic cotton t-shirts ( You can read more here ), but there’s some great facts that I think you guys should know.

I’m going to start with water usage, which is huge. 

A kilo of organic cotton only uses seven thousand litres of water to grow, whereas a kilo of non organic cotton uses twenty nine thousand litres of water to grow, which is crazy. It’s three times more than organic cotton. 

To put that in perspective; Petrol tankers you see on the road all the time, each carry 36,000 litres. The water saving just using organic cotton is massive!

Organic cotton is the most skin friendly, soothing and harmless natural fibre. This is because it contains no chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides. By not using these toxic chemicals, workers and farmers avoid health problems, even deaths are common in the non-organic farming. 

Cotton is the most pesticide dependent crop in the world. Organic cotton uses no pesticides, no insecticides, and no fertilisers, making it a lot better for the land, the water and the people working with it. 

77 million people a year suffer from poisoning from the use of these chemicals, so isn’t it time we worked on making a change? 

The yearly produce amount of organic cotton is 25,000 tonnes, now that sounds like a lot but that is only 0.1% of worldwide production. 

So to summarise we can all do our bit and make a big difference by buying more organic cotton from places such as Out Skill The Risk, and cutting down on the purchase of fast fashion trends. 

Thank you very much for supporting OutSkillTheRisk

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Why We Use Eco Friendly And Organic Cotton?